June Blog 2022
After watching the most wonderful celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee through the week, the villagers began their preparations! Firstly, Jeff & Mike collected all sorts of wood from various people and built a magnificent beacon in the Lee’s field, thank you Peter & Carrie. That same morning the flower ladies met at church and…
May Blog 2022
Would somebody be so good as to slow the world down a little! Where is the time going, being retired definitely does not mean you have less to do!! Frost greeted us all on Friday 29th April, however the sun soon melted it away as a working party arrived at Julian’s to erect the gazebo…
April Blog 2022
Another beautiful morning, even if a bit chilly first thing. April certainly started brilliantly as on the 1st the long awaited Quiz night had finally arrived for us all in the village hall. Yeah! Six teams of six, brilliant evening, best one to date. Excellent categories, great fun and the anagrams of Steventon house names…
March Blog 2022
Well, what can I say. Brilliant. However, at the dress rehearsal on Tuesday 1st we all thought “Oh goodness me, this is never going to happen” or words to that effect!!! As it turned out all that was needed was your good selves, the audience, from then on we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Hats off…
January Blog 2022
As I look out at a gloomy, windy, wet Saturday morning my thoughts easily go back to the wonderful month of December. Despite all the rules that covid entailed, Christmas in the village was amazing, if somewhat different! Back to the 3rd December and Film Night in the village hall, already looking very festive with…
October Blog 2021
On Saturday 25th September, an excited bunch of villagers set off for an evening at the Haymarket Theatre, to watch guess what? Yes, indeed, ‘Wind in the Willows’!! What a thoroughly enjoyable evening it was too, so marvellous to be back watching a live theatre production. Brilliant. I’m sure there were a few ideas Marilyn…
September Blog 2021
The morning of Saturday, September 4th dawned fine and sunny, sausage rolls wafting their delicious aroma round the kitchen, fresh rolls bought from the bakers. Picnic prepared, chairs in the car and come early afternoon off we went, the venue being Sir Harold Hillier Gardens for The Last Night of the Proms. There were lots…
July Blog 2021
How wonderful, beautiful weather, stacks of bales glowing in the sunshine upon golden fields where the barley had stood, the hum of the combine can be heard in the distance. Lush green fields and paddocks, amazingly beautiful, a wonderful time of the year. Seems such a long time ago since the ‘Virtual Fete’ back on…
May Blog 2021
Back to 24th April, thanks to Paul & Marilyn, we all settled down for the virtual Film Night to watch the Panto ‘Robin Hood’. Great fun, which was back in 2015, along with many faces that sadly are no longer with us. Hopefully the Film Nights will soon be back in the village hall for…
April Blog 2021
We have just got back from an early morning walk, the first without frost, even the birds seemed to have enjoyed it as the sound of the morning had intensified with bird song. Back to last month, which is hard as I would very much like to be out in the garden!! Once again Laurence…