April/May Blog 2024

Back to 25th April a small band of villagers met at Julian’s to erect the marquee, set up tables & chairs in readiness for the Bluebell morning.  Very jolly it was too, if somewhat cold.  Back home to a lovely warm fire and hot soup!

Friday 26th, Oscar Night, in the village hall.  What a fantastic evening it was, all in our finery, reliving the Panto with much gusto as we watched on the large screen.  Thank you, Paul, it was brilliant.  Lots of laughter, singing! giving of Oscar’s, great fun.  What’s next, I wonder?

 A chilly and damp morning greeted us all as we arrived for the Bluebell Coffee Morning on Saturday 27th.  After a slow start visitors soon came bustling through the gate, so wonderful to see everyone.  Julian’s garden looked beautiful, as it always is. The woods, bluebells, secret corners, a joy to behold.  Such an amazing time for everyone to come together and enjoy time spent in such a special place.  Thank you all for supporting such a marvellous charity.  This year a magnificent amount of £3,027 was raised for St. Michael’s Hospice, £10 more than last year.  Especially, a Huge Thank you to Julian for, once again, letting us all enjoy his wonderful garden and woods.

May arrived before we knew it!  Rogation Sunday walk took place on the 5th from Ashe to North Waltham via Steventon, a jolly time from what Ian said.  Ascension Benefice  service took place at St Nicholas’ in Steventon on Thursday 9th at 10.30am.  I don’t think many knew about it hence the small congregation!  However, it was a lovely service.  Book group was well attended on Friday 10th.  We all thoroughly enjoyed the morning as we sat outside in Chris’s lovely garden in the sunshine.  Thank you, Chris, for hosting, great coffee and to Sally & Barbara for delicious cakes.  Amongst lots of chatter and laughter, we finally got round to discuss the book!  ‘Baking Cakes in Kigali’ by Gaile Parkin.  A deeply moving, funny novel about life, love & cake.  Ultimately, it shows how the human spirit, even  when pushed to it’s limits, endures and unifies us all.  It scored 9.

Coffee & Cake on Monday 20th, after Paracise, saw a lovely amount of donations for Basingstoke Food Bank arrive.  Thank you to everyone who donated.  The total was 31.3 kg’s which Mike delivered to the main warehouse that afternoon.  Back to the morning and a big thank you to Sheena, Linda and Rosina, delicious cakes and coffee that kept us well supplied amongst a good catch up.  Singing, yoga, Paracise are well attended, always room for more!  A new class in the village hall starting on Friday 7th June at 11.15am instructed by the lovely Amanda who also teaches Yoga in Steventon.  ‘Steady and Strong’ 

At last we have had some wonderful warm weather, warm enough to be able to sit outside with a cuppa early in the morning and enjoy all that nature has to offer.  I was lucky enough to be serenaded, in stereo, by blackbirds, beautiful.  Wrens also in competition with one another, in full throttle for around an hour!  As the forget-me-nots fade, colours in abundance take over in the garden.  For a short time swaths of cream lady’s lace adorn the boarders around the lanes, foxgloves standing tall and gorgeous, everywhere very beautiful.  BBQ time it certainly has been, 5 up to now!  Not today though.  Back to jeans and jumpers!!  Ah, I hear the mower has stopped, must mean a cuppa!