Back to the evening of Friday 19th January and the much awaited, Great Steventon Quiz 2024. What a truly great evening it was, full of fun, brilliant selection of categories and questions. Each team choosing when to play their Joker which doubled their score of that round. During the Interlude all the teams were given a sheet, ‘Missing Steventon Homes’ with muddled house names but, with the letters STEVENTON removed, which we didn’t realize at the time!! very clever. Congratulations to the winning team, ‘Still my Personal Favourites’ with 95. 2nd ‘Austentacious’ with 90 and 3rd ‘I am Smarticus’ with 84. A huge Thank You to Sally and Laurence, best one yet. We are all looking forward to the next one!
Book group met at Chris’s on Friday 9th February. Thank you, Chris, for hosting and providing delicious coffee & cake. After much chatter and playing footsie with the kitten, ‘The trouble with Goats and Sheep’ by Joanna Cannon was discussed. Very much a ‘marmite’ book with very different opinions, some had tried and some had not read it. However, the overall score was 6.5
Coffee & Cake in the village hall on Monday 19th was well attended and amongst much catching up, we all thoroughly enjoyed the very delicious cakes along with coffee. Thank you, Tamsin, Rachel and Barbara and to Rosina who washed up. The added touch of the miniature daffodils on the tables was lovely and a great reminder that spring is around the corner, eventually.
There have been some amazing sunrises and sunsets, especially when the Sahara dust was around. Early birdsong can now be heard with the beautiful blackbird singing in competition with the robin. Skylarks can now be seen and heard; hare spotted gambling about, wild life stirring all around. The owls can be heard at night, wonderful. We see the barn owl flying back in the early morning. As we are sitting up in bed having a cuppa, the owl flies up the road on its way home for the day. A spectacular sight and one to be treasured.
Yoga and Paracise have once again started up in the village hall after half-term, much to the delight of those that attend.
The days and evenings have flown by as rehearsals have taken over!!! Lots of, behind the scenes’ activity, has been going on with amazing scenery thanks to Rachel. Costumes have and are still being made. Groups getting together to practice at various venues! Make up class in Rachel’s kitchen! brilliant… We were even brave enough to walk home with it on, luckily, we met no one! Just made our husbands jump when we arrived home! All good fun, with more to come. Paul and Tim sorting music, special effects and lighting out, with the Dress rehearsal next Wednesday night, 28th. Till then, more rehearsals in the village hall this week, maybe next week, then WOW! It’s here folks. It will be alright on the night!