January Blog 2023

Rather a miserable looking morning out there, just the sort of day to be indoors!  Back to Friday 13th January and book group.  Many thanks Marilyn for hosting and delicious coffee and of course, cake! A great catch up time, also an interesting morning as each gave a short synopses of the book of their choice.  Followed not long after by Coffee & Cake on Monday 16th, first one of the year.  Thank you ladies for delicious cakes and coffee, lovely to see everyone.

The evening of Friday 20th arrived and the much awaited Quiz night, held in the village hall.  Well done Laurence & Sally for once again providing an excellent evening.  Great selection of questions, amazing ‘Steventon’ sheet that we filled in during the interval.  A list of Semaphore’s to work out which then provided different answers to do with the village.  Have not done any of them since being in the Girl Guides, just a short while ago!!!  The overall winners of the Quiz were the brilliant team “The Pointless”  In 2nd, “Waltham Warblers”  3rd “Quizzy McQuizface”  and in joint 4th “Usual Suspects” and “Doggedly Determined”  Lots of fun, chatter and great company.  Thank you.

Evensong on Sunday 22nd was very special with our beautiful little church shining forth in the darkness, wonderful.  Just two days later, a jolly bunch of singers went along to Oak Lodge where we were welcomed by the staff and a full lounge of residents.   So very good to be there as this was the first time since before covid, Rev Tim led the service which was lovely.  The first of many more to come.   Sunday 29th at Ashe was a United Benefice Service, which was enjoyed by all.  Always great when all our voices come together.  Thank you for the refreshments afterwards which enabled us to catch up with friends.

So here we are, February and almost at the end of the month….Book group met on the 10th in the afternoon as Sue’s. Many thanks for hosting and providing coffee & cake, yummy.  The book being discussed was ‘Keeper of Lost Things’ by Ruth Hogan which everyone enjoyed giving a score of 7.5.  Monday 20th saw the village hall full for Coffee & Cake, all very delicious, thank you ladies.  A bit special as it was Romy’s birthday, so not long after she arrived we all sang ‘Happy Birthday’. Great morning with so many friends and neighbours so lots of chatter! and good to see Richard & Sindy who had managed to pop in on their travels.

So now guess what?  This Friday 24th and Saturday 25th in the village hall, all what we have been waiting for!  ‘Steventon Entertains Again…Again’ !!  Who knows what this will produce as it is very individual, will let you know next month!!

Singing has been in earnest, here and at different choirs, huge thank you to Paul & Marilyn for the amazing amount of time, energy and good humour they provide.  The Lord Mayor’s Charity Concert on Saturday 4th March at the Anvil will be amazing.  So many choirs coming together for this event, also with special guest choirs, the ‘Ukrainian Woman’s Choir’ the ‘Military Wives Choir’ and ‘St Mary’s CE Junior School’   The Pink Place and Blue Place charities, which gives support and counselling both for women and men having had or going through cancer.  Also the charity, Tough Enough to Care, that provides help and support to any male over the age of 18 suffering from mental health issues.  Bringing the Mayor’s concert for the Community, Engagement and Wellbeing to the Anvil.  There are still lots of tickets left, it would be wonderful if as many as possible could be there in support of these charities that so deserve our support.  A fantastic evening awaits you all.

We have had some wonderful sunsets and sunrises, beautiful frosts that have been a joy to behold when out walking.  I saw a total of 6 hares in one morning which is tremendous as at one time there were hardly any.  Snowdrops, catkins are in abundance now, even daffodils in sheltered spots are bursting forth in colour. The bluebells are also coming up next to the wall.  Spring is most certainly getting closer, the birds certainly believe it is as some are trying to pair up already!  The dominating blackbirds seeing off the others, however, how absolutely wonderful to now hear the joyful song of that beautiful bird first thing in the morning or just at dusk.  It just wants one to stand still and just listen, take it all in, fabulous, then the sound of the robin just letting you know he is around also.  The clocks go forward next month, can’t wait, longer days to hopefully, be outside.  Plenty of gardening to come and yes, the wonderful sound of the mower!  Lots to look forward to.