May Blog 2022

Would somebody be so good as to slow the world down a little!  Where is the time going, being retired definitely does not mean you have less to do!!  Frost greeted us all on Friday 29th April, however the sun soon melted it away as a working party arrived at Julian’s to erect the gazebo and bring tables and chairs in readiness for the following morning.  What a glorious morning is was, the sun shone, birds sang, amazing crowd of happy people and the bluebells were beautiful.  All the stalls did so well and the raffle was brilliant.  What a treat to sit outside for coffee amongst Julian’s perfectly peaceful and lovely gardens.  One very funny occurrence happened at the cake stall, Colin Baylis had bought a delicious chocolate cake which had been put under the table to be collected a bit later.  Meanwhile Jeremey was chatting while looking to buy a cake and unbeknown to him, his spaniel was tucking into Colin’s cake perfectly happily under the table!  Cake and dog separated, Colin was then given another cake which just happened to be the cake Kate had made for the stall, which caused much merriment.  You will be happy to know the spaniel is quite well.  What an amazing amount raised for St. Michael’s Hospice.



Friday 6th May in the village hall, was Oscar DVD evening of, ‘Tales from the Riverbank’ where all those involved dressed up for the occasion, sat back and enjoyed, as this was the first time we had been able to watch the whole performance.  With nibbles and wine to partake in, we laughed, applauded and sang the evening away, cheered the given Oscar awards, until we at last wended our way home.  Thank you Paul for putting together such a professional and wonderful DVD, you are amazing.

Book Group met at Chris’s, thank you very much for hosting Chris, on Friday 13th to discuss “The Essex Serpent” by Sarah Perry.  Only five had read it but still managed a score of 7.  A good discussion, delicious cakes from Karen, Barbara and Sally.  Sally had made lovely individual cup cakes, each with a candle for Sindy’s Birthday, so a very jolly morning was had by all.

Monday 23rd was Coffee & Cake in the village hall.  An extra special morning however, as unbeknown to her, candles were lit, bunting up, flowers and cards awaited, as it was Sylvia’s 80th Birthday.  Amazingly it had been kept a secret from her, Romy had gently persuaded Sylvia to come along, also Libby, Sylvia’s daughter, who was able to join them.  A lookout was waiting, to enable the candles to be lit, then shouts of ‘She’s coming’ candles lit, then shouts of ‘False alarm’ candles blown out!  Few minutes later ‘She’s definitely coming!’ candles lit just in time as Sylvia walked in, as we all sang Happy Birthday.  Sylvia’s face was a picture and said it all.  A wonderful morning, so many came, cakes all went thanks to Marilyn, myself and Emma, also Linda, who had made individual cup cakes each with a candle, perfect.

Singing is continuing, as dulcet tones could be heard making there way out the door of the village hall most weekly evenings.  So lovely now the warmer light evenings, was always harder in the winter months, especially if the fire had been lit during the day!!  However, always worth it in the end thanks to Paul and Marilyn and jolly bunch of singers.  More always welcome.

Everywhere is looking beautiful now, shades of green everywhere, May blossom is stunning this year as is most blossom, even the roses seem to have more buds this year.  Elderflowers are opening in abundance, just glorious everywhere.   Commitment and raw aggression as a male blackbird in the back garden has obviously been overcome by the avian equivalent of testosterone and in pursuit of protecting his nesting area has been taking on anything that comes within his territory! Well mannered pigeons, with that bewildered look on their faces, were getting nowhere as they tried to feed on ivy berries.  Even a magpie got short thrift, however, bird song is at it’s best and has been a joy to behold.  So many things to look forward to in the village in the month of June.  Enjoy everyone.