October Blog 2021

On Saturday 25th September, an excited bunch of villagers set off for an evening at the Haymarket Theatre, to watch guess what?  Yes, indeed, ‘Wind in the Willows’!!  What a thoroughly enjoyable evening it was too, so marvellous to be back watching a live theatre production.  Brilliant.  I’m sure there were a few ideas Marilyn took away with her!  Thank you to Marilyn for organizing tickets.

Early on the morning of 25th the flower ladies arrived to decorate St Nicholas Church in readiness for the following day.  Everywhere looked beautiful with the colours of autumn foliage and flowers, also  gorgeous dahlias that Colin and Kate had grown, thank you.  Thank you also to Chris for the refreshments, which were indeed very welcome, especially after all our chatting!

Sunday morning arrived bright and fine for the Harvest Thanksgiving Service which was wonderful, as we were inside for a short time where we heard Amelia, Louis, George and Jiemima read a short play and prayer, then outside for the remainder of the service.  Afterwards everyone enjoyed refreshments and catching up with friends and neighbours.  Food items donated for Basingstoke Foodbank raised 76.1 Kg which was excellent.

Saturday 2nd October dawned along with the rain!!  Still, a very jolly group of villagers set off from the village hall at 11.15 adorned with wet weather gear for the Harvest Walk.  Up the road and across Quintin’s footpath to St Nicholas Church, down the lane and round Matt’s field, thank you Matt.  Back along the road to the village hall where we were treated to the warmth of the hall and delicious hot soup and rolls, so very good and just what was needed.  There were a total of 15 walkers, including 2 children, plus  Shona brought their dog, Tilly and Rachel had brought their dog Griffin, so a great bunch in all.

On Friday 8th the Book Group met at Sindy’s, outside under the wonderful gazebo with views of the garden. Thank you Sindy and Richard for hosting, great coffee, also delicious cakes made by Sindy and Shona. We discussed “The Light Between Oceans” by M.L. Stedman.  Brilliant read, a most thought provoking book leading to much in depth discussion.  Great meeting.  A score of 9.

Coffee and Cake on Monday morning of the 18th was well attended where once again it provided such a great time to enjoy catching up with friends and neighbours, not forgetting of course the many delicious cakes and coffee!

Panto rehearsals are now underway with just the reading of the script at the moment, great fun.  Singing also to continue now in the village hall.

It’s that time of the year again when fruit is soaking in brandy in readiness for the making of the Christmas cake… Sloes in abundance waiting to be picked… shallots to be pickled, wonderful.  That very special time of the year, however half-term to be enjoyed first, hopefully the weather will be fine for all.  The garden needs a lot of attention as produce comes to an end although parsnips, leeks and sprouts are looking good thanks to the exceptionally good netting, hopefully there will be sprouts left for Christmas as we have already started to enjoy them.  Off to mow the lawn, yet again, or rather Mike is!  Lunch is calling… Enjoy