March Blog 2023

Back to Friday evening of 24th March where we enjoyed Cathy Bates & Jessica Tandy in Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café. Many thanks also to Sue for our delicious mini magnum’s. Tables and chairs were soon put in place, with tables laid in readiness for Breakfast Together the following morning.

So lovely to see so many join us for this event, bacon wafting through to greet everyone as they arrived! After much chattering whilst enjoying the bacon rolls, croissants & coffee we were all thoroughly engrossed in the talk given by Paula Vallance from Basingstoke Food Bank. How amazing to find out there were so many supermarkets that gave so much, also many local businesses help in so many ways with cash, fresh fruit & veg to name just a few. They help in so many ways helping to restore dignity, reviving hope, building communities, so we can all help even in the smallest way.

Monday 27th a jolly bunch went up to our lovely little church for a tidy up all around the grounds, all looking lovely in time for Palm Sunday on 2nd April. After a very short service we all walked across the fields, luckily they had dried out quite a bit, to the second service at North Waltham. Lovely morning with everyone in high spirits, catching up with one another along the way.

Saturday 8th the flower ladies worked their wonders and decorated everywhere in church, transforming the bare greenery to bursts of colour for Easter Sunday service the following morning. Just beautiful. Lovely to have the Benefice choir together for the service. Great to see so many children who after the service ran around outside on the Easter egg hunt while everyone else could welcome and catch up together.

The Benefice choir also came together on Friday 14th for the privilege to be able to sing at Terry Woodfin’s Memorial service at North Waltham church. Such a remarkable man, a true celebration of his life, a wonderful service.

Friday afternoon the Book group met at Shona’s, thank you Shona for hosting, to discuss “Longbourn” by Jo Barker. A great afternoon with topics of all sorts being chatted about! Delicious cake and coffee enjoyed and a score of only 6 was given for the book.

Saturday 15th the Benefice choir came together once more at Ashe church for the marriage of Rose Gordon & Oliver Clarke. A very joyous occasion where the choir sang ‘The Lord Bless You and Keep You’ as the bride processed down the aisle. As the bride and groom processed out to the Wedding March, unbeknown to everyone except the bride and groom, it suddenly changed to Abba, Mamma Mia and Dancing Queen. Brilliant, it was all we could do to stop ourselves putting in all the actions while singing!! Well done Paul.

Monday 24th a group of 25 JASNA arrived, on a somewhat damp afternoon, at St. Nicholas’ for a tour and talk and afterwards refreshments inside the church. Coffee replacing cold drinks outside!

Tuesday 25th a group met at Oak Lodge for a service taken by Rev. Tim. Good to see so many joining in to the very well known hymns in the comfort of the lounge, along with staff.

The month has flown by, again, much to look forward to with the Coronation at the forefront. There are four hen pheasants pecking around under the bird feeder, all slightly different in colour. Oops, here comes the cock pheasant in all his splendour, sent one of the females off in no uncertain terms! Everywhere is looking splendid with leaves bursting into vibrant greens, blossom everywhere, sloe gin should be good this year! The first year for a long time the magnolia blossom everywhere has not been devastated by frost, just beautiful. The woods are now a mass of wild garlic leaves, white anemones and of course bluebells. Julian once again has got it spot on for the Bluebell Coffee Morning, fingers crossed for fine weather, hope to see you all there. Enjoy.